Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline January 2018
Feature Event

(Continued from page 6)

Bad Luck Award – There were (2) winners this year and many runner up’s….It was really an extraordinarily BAD LUCK YEAR!!!
Unlike no other years in the past……

Bad Luck Award went to Tim Schafer for his Midget

1st Bad Luck Award went to Tim Schafer for his Midget that was struck by a car at the Spring Tune up event while taking it out for a test drive….. CATASTROPHIE

2nd Bad Luck Award went to Steve Gorr for his MGBGT which broke down at the Garage Tour, towed back to their house, then they picked up their MGB to make it back in time for the picnic!! GREAT MG SPIRIT despite their relay problem and break down with the GT.

Runner ups for the Bad Luck award went to:

Dino Perez RV8 –alternator problem

Steve Sparks - “Diesel Dog Sparky’s” Midget –Starter problem and Diesel fuel mistakenly put into his gas tank instead of Premium.

Ray Costa’s TD – Broke down on their way home from the GOF in Akron, OH

Robert Weinstein’s TF lost engine power on the 4151 Tour which turned out to be terminal engine failure and required a new engine.

And finally,Mark & Cindy Michalak’s MGA developed an engine knock on the way to Reinout’s driveway for the start of the garage tour and never even made it there.

Come on everyone…..Let’s get our MG’s in TIP TOP SHAPE over the winter and get RID of the BAD LUCK for 2018!!!

Bad Luck Award went to Steve Gorr for his MGBGT
For the MOSS Motor Trophy and the Victoria British Trophy, the winners went to:
3rd Place for Both the Moss Motor Award and the Victoria British AwardBill Kalafut & Jean Heasley with 31 ½ points for the Moss Motors and 16 points for the Victoria British.

2nd Place for the Moss Motor Award with a total of 33 ½ points and tied for 3rd place with 16 points for the Victoria British Award - Steve Sparks & Jodi Simmons
2nd Place for the Victoria British Award with 16 ½ - Jim Compton & Bob Dorley.

The Big Winners of the night……

1st place Moss Motor Trophy and Victoria British Trophy went to Dean & Kerry Hickenlooper with a total of 39 points overall and 22 points from the competition events
(Continued on page 8)

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