Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline June 2012
Feature Past Events
Spring Chicken Run
May 20, 2012

The ‘Spring chickens’ were ready to run on this gorgeous morning. Sunday May 20th marked the beginning of the MG driving season. With a forecast of sunny blue skies and 90 degrees, it was a picture perfect day for a drive thru McHenry County and a brief jaunt into Southern WI.

One by one the group gathered in Deer Park to begin the drive. A total of 17 cars were lined up and ready to go. After a brief huddle to get driving directions and helpful hints, we were ready to hit the road at 9:45.

This was a well organized event, with great, detailed directions and a few questions to answer along the way to keep things fun and interesting. (Note to self, don’t debate driving directions with husband, it results in missing an answer to a question). The route couldn't have been more perfect on such a beautiful day. Tree lined roads, tractors working the fields, and the lakes showing signs of summer activity. All from the view point of an MG cruising along the way.

After driving 64.6 miles, we reached our final destination at the home of our host and hostess George and Jana Phariss. A delicious lunch was waiting for us, and it gave everyone an opportunity to visit while enjoying refreshments and the meal. The group totaled about 40 for the day, as a few more joined us at the house for lunch.

Congratulations to the winners, where we had to use the tie breaker of miles driven to determine the winner. Rich and Carol Lehman came in first, only 0.6 tenth of a mile off of the precise Phassiss pre-drive measurement stick. Second place, by only 0.1 miles below the Lehman's mileage total, was Roger and Shirley Goebbert. Third was Steve and Liz Gorr only 0.8 mile behind the second place Goebberts. All three teams answered 100% of the questions correctly and put the word puzzle together correctly.

Thank you to George and Jana for organizing and hosting this enjoyable day.

~~Mary Schmalz

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