Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline November 2013

  Monthly Meeting Minutes
Third Monday, October 22, 2013

David Novak

Attendance: 32 members

At 8:03 pm the gavel to order was banged by President George Phariss.

New/Prospective members (apologies for misspellings):
Bill Calafut, who’s looking for an MGB; and
Pat Mistay, whos’ looking for a mid-60’s B.

Car Projects:
Seth Jones has been working on Rob’s Midget, in an attempt to stop it from leaking oil. In the process the engine has been torn down to pieces! The shell is being sent to the body/paint shop soon. Target completion date: Cruise to the Rock.

Jim Evans is having problems with the overdrive in his ‘67. He’s trying to figure out why the O/D is locked out in certain situations. Anybody with info, feel free to contact Jim.

Kim Tonry says that Steve Skegg is working on a 76 B that’s been flooded.

Nominations were taken for officers. The following people were nominated and seconded:
President: George Phariss
Vice President: John Kearns
Secretary: David Novak
Treasurer: Ralph Arata

We will be taking nominations for officers at the November meeting as well.

Christmas Party: December 7th at Bella Vista. Cost is $29/per person. Abingdon Players have taken time out of their busy touring schedule to make an appearance! Their set list will contain Brokedown Abbey this year. Also, due to a scheduling conflict, the troupe is looking for 3-5 women to learn a couple songs, just before the Players take the stage. See Jim Evans. Door prizes will be given out again this year at the party. There will also be a “Secret Santa” exchange at the party, for those interested in partaking. Gifts should be about $10. The driving awards will be given out at the Party this year. The rest of the club award will be giving at the usual time in February. There will be a cash bar again this year.

We then had a parade of characters who shared their MG “Horror” stories. Including Dino who cleverly fixed his shifter spring in the RV8 with an antenna! And Jim who showed a vast array of troublesome parts, many of which had to be sawed out! Victor shared his tale of woe about his carburettors fuel floats, and the bowls tendency to overflow onto a hot exhaust manifold! Now that’s scary! Ralph related a story of how he, single handedly, killed a forsythia bush with his MGB GT. And Barney gave an account of an MGA with brakes that truly seemed haunted! And one of the scariest stories was told by


Phil, about how the front end of his MG got crunch (happy ending though). Finally, Doug told the fright-inducing tale of how his 3 MGs survived a flood!

John Kearns won the 50/50 raffle! Making off with a frightening $13!

Ralph Arata gave the current state of the clubs finances, with a handy handout that gave an extensive look into the club’s cash flow.

Then Lissa Perez served cake to celebrate the club’s 37th anniversary!
Staff Reports:
Library: No Bill, so no Library update.
Regalia: Club badges are in and available! $20 each, and they look great! (I bought one tonight!)
Website: Barney says it’s still working!
Driveline: Victor is looking for articles for the November issue about anything MG related: activities, tech sessions, etc.. He’s looking for articles about 500 words long, and pictures.

Steve Skegg was crowned as the Endurance Triple Crown winner, with his and navigator Rose’s win at the Abingdon Endurance Trials! Congrats Steve!

The Mecum Auto Auction was attended by a number of club members. Dino says that Friday night is when all the sub-$20K cars are auctioned, and they were “giving away” some of them. Good to know! It sounds like the folks at Mecum are going to make Schaumburg a yearly auction.

The Kettle Moraine Studio Tour was a success. Five studios were toured, by 15 cars! The T’s drove in the rain with the tops down! And you thought the B’s top was a pain to put up!

Project car: Jim is offering a ‘68 MGB to the club to restore. We’re looking for a sponsor to coordinate and manage the project, as well as a garage to keep it in. Drop an officer a line if you’re interested.

Driving and Social events:
Halloween rally - on October 27th, staring at Reinout and Henneke’s house at 10AM. It’ll be about 40 miles and a LOT of fun!
PADS oil change - November 9th, at Dave’s Auto in Palatine.
Fall Tune-Down - at Dave Bralich’s place on November 3rd. Only “Normal” chili will be served this year, due to an overabundance of “Hot” chili leftover last year. If you plan an oil change, please bring a container to take away the used oil.
Natter ‘n’ Noggin - will be at Finn McCools this month.
Cruise to the Rock - on November 28th
Last but not least, the 2014 NAMGBR convention in French Lick Indiana. Make your hotel reservations soon!
Next meeting will be November 18th, where “Rendezvous” will be screened. If you’ve seen it, you know it, if you haven’t (like me); I’m told that you’re in for a treat.
(Continued on page 5)

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