Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline July 2022
Bits from the Book Keeper

The club library has officially been transferred from the past librarian—Paul Pickley. The last of the books and other documents were dropped off at my office last week. In the next few months I will be organizing, adding new books to the library, and updating the complete list of items available for checkout. I will also be going over the checkout list and contacting you if you have books checked out.

A current list of books, workshop manuals, and other items available in the library can be found on the club website.

Feel free to contact me if you are interested in checking anything out.

~~ Bill Kalafut      

Past Event

MGs on Parade
(In the LaGrange Pet Parade)!!
Sat. 4 June - 9:30 a.m.


MGs were again on display in this year's LaGrange Pet Parade on the morning of the first Saturday morning in June, when the weather and all people involved were equally pleasant. We had a chance to socialize and ready our LBCs in our designated area before we entered the Parade. (We were 36 out of 105 - so we didn't have to wait around too long.)

Featured prominently in this year's version (the 76th, as it was first held in 1947), were three Bs (Tim Schafer, the Vondrans, the Brennans), an A (the Hickenloopers), and three T-types (Bob Lee and grand-daughter, Phil Law, Doug Clark). Leading our contingent was esteemed Driving Events Coordinator Jamie, walking with her wagoned two Dandie Dinmont Terriers in tow.

We honked and waved Union Jacks at the cheering throngs (who no doubt were jealous of us) lining each side of the streets on the 1.5 mile route, while we revved our engines - which was the extent of the horsepower display, since shifting second gear was a rarity. No one encountered any mechanical or electrical issues, and at the end of the route we socialized a bit more and took a bathroom break (much needed, probably). Bob Lee and his navigator hung around to go to the nearby carnival that was set up at part of the festivities.

Take a look at the Internet's YouTube video at the 42-minute mark to see your Club members - and their MGs - in action.

Safety Fast!

Doug G. Clark        

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