- - Photos from the 2023 Swap Meet - -
- - Photos from the 2022 Swap Meet - -
- - Photos from the 2020 Swap Meet - -
Since 1997 the CMGC swap meet has been held at the DuPage County Fairgrounds in Wheaton, Illinois in early spring. The site is an indoor heated facility that is centrally located approximately 30 miles due west of downtown Chicago. There will be a food vendor on site and an ATM in the building.

To get to the swap meet, start at Roosevelt Road (IL-8) and either IL-59 or IL-53. From IL-59 go east on IL-38, 2.9 miles to County Farm Road. Or from IL-53 go west on IL-38, 4.8 miles to County Farm Road. This intersection has a traffic light and McDonalds and Burger King restaurants. Go north on County Farm Road 0.4 miles to the first traffic light. Turn right (east) on Manchester Road and proceed 0.5 miles to the entrance. -- Click for map
Gate Admission tickets will be $7. Kids 12 and under (accompanied by an adult) are still free. As always, parking is free. Nearby lodging is available for out of town visitors. For vendor rates and registration go here: Click for Swap Meet Vendor Registration Form.
If you need additional information you may contact:
Victor L'Heureux 847-533-3916 or Jim Evans 630-858-8192
or e-mail: swapmeet@chicagolandmgclub.com