July 6 - Time to stop and smell the flowers one last time before leaving Alaska.
The Top of the World Highway is aptly named. Not only is it pretty far
north, but it also runs generally along the tops of mountain ridges where
the view is just beautiful. This is the road that was washed out and impassable
on the 13th of June (that was Friday the 13th by the way). For weeks people
have been telling us to stay away from this road, that we could never get
the MGA through here, that we would be risking our lives to drive here.
By now we have learned that nearly all roads are passable with the MG, and
the worse people make it out to be the more fun it is to drive. We have
encountered far worse roads in the last month. But all that bad press is
great, scares a lot people away so we mostly have the road to ourselves.
We had no idea where the road may have been washed out before, it all looked
pretty good on this trip. Only in a couple of places did we encounter
construction crews leveling and adding gravel, and only one delay of about
15 minutes.