The MGA With An Attitude
LUCAS Dipping Mirror - AT-103L

Here we have one genuine Lucas Dipping Mirror, production data 1958, New Old Stock still in the original box. The box is somewhat tatty, but the mirror is in mint condition. In March 2012 this sold on eBay for a whopping £340.00-GBP, $539-USD, with three bidders within 80% of that price. Hard to fault the bidding or the price, since this is the only one I have ever seen sell in new condition.

It always bugged me a little that the mirror above was either taller or narrower (or both) than the standard MGA dash mirror. Also the mounting screew holes are too close together at 1-1/2 inches (38.1 mm) when the holes for MGA are 1-5/8 inches (41.3 mm) between centers.
Now below we have a picture of another Lucas Dipping Mirror more in the correct aspect ratio for MGA. Photo compliments of Derek Tucker. The Lucas Part is Type 585 Part No. 62046A. Hole spacing here (original assembly as shipped) is 1-1/4 inches (38.75 mm), so it is best to use the standard MGA chrome mounting stem with 1-5/8-inch screw spacing (41.3 mm).

These mirrors were fitted to some of the Abingdon Works Cars and are larger all round than the standard mirror. The mirror size is 6 inches x 2.5 inches including the case. These mirrors are a lot more stable than the standard mirror with very little vibration.
Below is another Lucas model 584/103, part no. 062566, similar to the one at top of page. This one sold on eBay for $650.00-USD on
Sep 29, 2013. Crazy prices. Again the screw holes are too close together at 1-1/2 inches (38.1 mm).

Here is another one, photos sent by a friend in July 2019. The mirror is 6 inches by 2.5 but the hole centers are 1-1/4 inches (31.75 mm), still not right for the MGA.
