The MGA With An Attitude
BADGE, Royal Auto Club -- AT-104R
On Jul 30, 2019, Nick Kopernik in Connecticut, USA wrote:
"I picked up a period Royal Auto Club (RAC) emblem (size is roughly 3.25" x 4". While the chrome portion is worn and will be replated over the coming winter (as will the 2 brass screws), I was able to resurface the blue aluminum backer plate. Originally anodized in blue, I found an automotive paint color that's almost a spot on to match to the anodizing; plate has been painted and covered in clear enamel. The crown portion, while originally silver, has been painted in gold leaf paint".
"First picture is what I bought; second is a close up of the back of the plate and third is what will be mounted on the A till winter arrives and replating is in order".

"I asked the RAC if they could provide any history regarding this badge and they very politely responded in a couple of e-mail exchanges. Between what I learned on my own and the info they provided, this badge is an example of an RAC Associate (or 'Get You Home' - as it used to be known) badge that was produced between 1946-54. The individual membership number of V532000 is embossed on the back plate. These badges were made of fairly cheap materials as a result of the scarcities after the war. It has a blue anodized aluminum backing plate and chrome surround with a Georgian crown (George VI) on top. There are also three other markings on this badge:
1.) Embossed letters "HB.S" refer to HB Sale Ltd in Birmingham which produced the badges.
2.) The embossed words "Property of the RAC" appear (does this mean that these badges were only rented out?).
3.) The number 443164 is embossed on the plate as well and this may be the manufacturing/model number (no one seems to know).