The MGA With An Attitude
Since the screenwasher installation was a non-standard accessory, there were many different aftermarket kits as well as a few variations of the factory supplied parts. The Service Parts List shows three different (official) sreenwashers for the MGA 1500 model, designating which jets would be matched with which pump. Some of this has to do with arrangement of check valves. The jets are noted as adjustable jets, fixed jets, and small jets. There may have been additional variations of detail or manufacturer as the factory might procure parts in batches to periodically replenish inventory. This may be fun trying to log as many variations as possible. We may never get them all documented, but we can record a number of parts that are thought to be original factory issue or period aftermarket parts.

The picture above comes form Steve Gyles in Hampshire, UK. He writes:
"These are my washer jets. No idea if they are 'original' after market parts, but were definitely on the car back in 1973 (car is a 1958 USA export). I note that TRICO is an American company, but it had a production facility in the UK from 1928, so they could have been either UK or American sourced. No mention of being factory fitted on my Heritage certificate but could have been supplied as part of an MG after market kit. My dashboard was never drilled so goodness knows where the pump was fitted".
Below are more variations on the possible period washer spray jets, just a few for starters.