The MGA With An Attitude

  • "Carburetter Service Parts List" by BMC Service Ltd.
    This Service Parts List deals comprehensively with all S.U. carburetters fitted to BMC vehicles from January 1954 onwards and supersedes information previously contained in Service Parts Lists and S.U. Leaflets.
  • "Everything Automotive" catalog from J. C. Whitney
    LaSalle, IL
    Okay, so it's not even British parts, and MGA is seldom mentioned in it. But you might be surprised what you can get if you just ask. You can still get ADDCO sway bar kits for the MGA, even though they're not in the catalog. Lots of generic accessories, affordable tools (if you can read between the lines about quality). One little note for a free catalog, and you're on their mailing list for years.

  • "Lucas Equipment For 1948-1962 Cars" by Joseph Lucas North America, Inc. - 68-page 5.6-MB pdf file
    Part numbers for Lucas electrical equipment cataloged by equipemt type, make, model and year of vehicle.
    Not just for MGA, as it covers all vehicles with Lucas equipment, but it may be useful for finding part numbers for small component parts or rare out of production parts.

  • "Lucas Equipment & Spare Parts N.V.S. 1532 16-7-58 for the MGA Twin Cam"
    (Later informaton to CCE 900G) - by Joseph Lucas Ltd, Birmingham,England - 2-page 1.4-MB pdf file
    All the parts supplied by Lucas that went into the MGA Twin Cam.

  • "Lucas Master Parts Catalogue" by Lucas Aftermarket Operations, hundreds of pages.
    Lucas Car & Commercial Vehicles 1945 1960
    Equipment & Spare Parts Master Catalogue.
    Complete electrical specification given for every make and model - over 90 makes and 600 models listed. This is followed by chapters on each type of equipment, i.e. starters, distributors, switches, lighting, etc. with pictured and component breakdown. Also supercession list at back.
    This is a bit of overkill for the average MGA owner, as it covers all vehicles with Lucas equipment, but it may be useful for finding part numbers for small component parts or rare out of production parts. It was printed in successive issues over time, covering various ranges of model years. These days it is more useful as a technical reference manual. It has most recently been listed on eBay in CD form for (1939-1954) or (1945 1960) and possibly other issues.

  • "MGA Parts Catalog" by Clarke Spares & Restorations
    Doylestown, PA
    Specialty producer of over 400 reproduction spares. Not everything for your MGA, but much of everything you may not be able to find elsewhere. Todd Clarke makes these parts for use in his own restoration business, so he insists on making them right. When you need MGA windscreen assembly brackets that actually fit, or complete side curtains built to original specs, or original type screws and fastener kits, or original type door seals that actually allow you to close the door, then this is the place. If you are preparing your MGA for a concours show, you need this catalog. Fiind a PDF copy at CSR_catalogue-2011.pdf.

  • "MGA Parts Catalog" by Limora (Europe)
    MGA specific catalog with parts, tools and accessories. Perhaps everything you might ever want in your MGA garage. Visit the web site for a downloadable PDF copy, 432 pages (40-MB), or use their on-line catalog.

  • "MGA Parts Catalog" by Scarborough Faire (also "NOS Locators")
    Pawtucket, RI
    I don't have a catalog to show you. I have no advice one way or the other. They are a specialist in MGA parts. I would advise you to do a web search for comments.

  • "MGA Parts Catalog" by Victoria British Ltd
    Lenexa, KS
    One of the larger suppliers for MGA parts. Free catalog, free phone call, middle America location. Not everything for a full restoration, but most of the parts you would need to keep your car on the road. Large inventory, quick shipping, no tech assistance. Being price competitive, some restoration parts may be spec'd for price/value vs. originality, and occasional substitutions. At least get the free catalog and check it out.

    Victoria British is now closed, but the inventory has been transfered to Moss Motors, Ltd. The V.B. link above will automatically forward to Moss Motors web site.

    "The MG Series MGA Service Parts List"
    Soft cover. Originally issued by The M.G. Car Company Ltd
    Hundreds of pages of parts explosion drawings and facing pages with original factory part numbers. Some parts vendors may use these part numbers, some not. Some of these original part numbers will be obsolete or superseded. These books are specific to a single car model, although later revisions include earlier part numbers that were superseded. Good historical data, and would help identify parts by the original numbering system.
  • "The MG Series MGA Service Parts List" - First Edition, June 1956
  • "Supplement to SPL, 3 pp showing heater controls" - March 1958
  • "The MG Series MGA SPL (with Twin Cam parts)" - June 1958
  • "The MG Series MGA SPL (2nd Editon)" February 1960
  • "The MG Series MGA Service Parts List (1500)" - December 1960
  • "The MG Series MGA Supplement To SPL, rationalized engine" - 1965
  • "The MG Series MGA Service Parts List" - Twin Cam Supplement, Dec.1958
  • "The MG Series MGA Twin Cam Service Parts List, v2" - February 1960
  • "The MG Series MGA Twin Cam Service Parts List, v3" 240p. (23 PDF files)
  • "The MG Series MGA 1600 Service Parts List"   Fifth Edition
        -- Includes 1600-MK-II and Competition Suspension (the "Deluxe" option)
  • "MGB Tourer, GT and V8 -Up to September 1976 Parts Catalog

    MGA Part Numbers and Descriptions
    This list includes all parts used on all standard production MGA models. They are arranged in alphanumeric order by the prefix of the part numbers. Click on the factory part number to get a description of the part and all of the places where it is used on MGA cars. Links on the part numbers will eventually lead to pages with more information on each part. -- It is base on the Dec 1960 edition of the MG Series MGA (1500) Service Parts List, including the 1965 supplement with rationalized engine parts, and the MGA Series MGA 1600 Service Parts List, Fifth Edition, and MGA Twin Cam Service Parts List, Version 3.

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