The MGA With An Attitude
os - "Competition Preparation Manual, MGB" (3.1-MB pdf) 40p.
by J. W. Huffaker, Huffaker Engineering Co.
Full title is: "British Leyland Austin MG Competition Preparation for the MGB, by J. W. Huffaker of Huffaker Engineering Co." More MGB performance preparation with special attention to SCCA regulations in North America.
"How To Make Your Car Handle" by Fred Puhn
Copyright 1981 does not cover newer cars, but the information is spot on for vintage MGs with front A-arms and live rear axle. It is not MG specific, but the way the information is presented is general in nature and applies to most cars of this era. It starts by explaining how things work (suspension, steering, tires), including theories and formulas for calculating things like roll center and weight transfer. Then it progresses to explain how to tweak things to your advantage. Best not to skip any chapters, because you need to understand the theory before you start tinkering. About half the price of other similar newer books, but very good educational value as a primer on the workings of your car's suspension. Recommended reading for the vintage car driving enthusiast.
"How To Power Tune MGB 4 Cylinder Engines"
by Peter Burgess - Soft cover 112 pgs. B/W
"Whether you want to go racing or have maximum street performance, the expert advice in this book will help you to build a powerful and reliable engine...".
Designed to cover all 4 cylinder MGB and MGB GT models, a manual that gives practical advice on how to modify the MGB's 4 cylinder engine for maximum power. Includes information on heads, bottom end, camshafts, carbs, ignition, exhaust, transmission, suspension and tyres.
Some MGB enthusiasts may take exception to this, but we all know that the MGB is just a unit body version of the MGA with roll up windows and a larger engine. [Duck now]. They share so much in common that most of the contents of this book will be applicable to the MGA, especially if you have one of the later engines in your car.
"MGA 1500 and 1600 Special Tuning" (3.2-MB pdf) 32p.
from M.G. Car Co. Ltd - 1960 - 5-1/2 x 8-1/2, 32 p. B/W
Note: This special copy includes later updates for Stage-5 tuning.
See pages S5.1 - S5.4 near back of book.
"MGA 1500 and 1600 Special Tuning - Abridged reprint - 20p.
Done more recently by Moss Motors
Such a bargain. The original factory competition manual provides a wealth of knowledge which is applicable to both street run and all out racing applications. Not a large book, but it tells you pretty much what the factory knew and was recommending "back in the day".
Out of print, and presumably with copyright expired.
In the 1970s the book was re-issued by what was then called Leyland Special Tuning. Only six stencilled pages with a blue MGA on the front cover. Part No. C-AKD 819F in which the "C" = "competition".

os - "MGB Tourer and GT Special Tuning" (2.3-MB pdf) 52p.
(1963-1967 models) - from British Leyland Special Tuning Department
Similar to the book above, but dealing with the later 1800 engine with larger valves and better porting. This can be a good read if you're interested in installing the "18" head on your MGA engine, or transplanting the entire MGB engine into your MGA.
Out of print, and presumably with copyright expired.
os - "Tuning BMC Sports Cars" (3.2-MB pdf)
by Mike Garton - 1969 - 80 pgs, B/W Illustrated.
This book first appeared as a series of articles in Cars & Car Conversions. The author was a technical expert at British Leyland's Special Tuning Department and had considerable success racing these cars. The book deals with all 4-cylinder engined cars covering engine and chassis tuning for road and track.