The MGA With An Attitude
Parking Brake MODIFIED, R/H To L/H - BT-103C
When first chatting about a vintage roll bar installation, I noticed this unusual modification to the hand brake lever. Some creative soul in Australia converted it to be mounted on the left side of the tunnel (normally on the right side). He had a racing bucket seat shell in the car (at the time) which made it difficult to reach hand brake, so decided to change to other side.

He cut the handle off the shaft and mounted it at an angle suitable for left side of car. Then had to cut handle at mid point and re-weld so at correct angle. He thinks he also flipped the ratchet plate to make it work but can't remember for sure details. Mounting the revised assembly was easy - just drilled a couple of new holes and connected cable. He says it is now ideally suited for motorkhanas to make handbrake turns.

Original right side mounted bearing and ratchet plate below.

As much as I admire the effort and the results, it must have been more than a little chore cutting and re-welding so many pieces.