The MGA With An Attitude
Supplier's part numbers GWC110 (RH), GWC111 (LH)
Replacement for BMC GWC110 (RH), GWC111 (LH)
Used on: MGA 1500 1955-59, AH Sprite I-II and MG Midget I 1958-62,
Morris Minor II 1000 1953-62, Triumph TR2-3-4 1953-57
NOTICE: These are aftermarket type parts with lip type ring seal on the piston NOT the OEM type with full cup seal and expander. Rebuild kits are (usually) not available for these parts. Even though they are being sold under the original factory part number, they are not OEM type parts. I hesitate to call these parts faulty, because they do work when new, but they seem to have a quality problem affecting service life (which can make them faulty a couple years down the road).
On 5/25/2016, Barry Measom wrote:
"I bought a set of four of the cylinders when I restored my MGA just over two years ago. The set was very cheap but looked fine. One on the right side has just started to weep fluid and I have just pulled both RH to find a lot of corrosion in the cylinder that was leaking and some corrosion in the other. Both the leaking cylinders showed no signs of assembly grease".
On 5/26/2016, Barry Measom wrote:
"Find attached photos of RH front cylinder showing corrosion which caused leakage. These cylinders are sold by many UK classic car parts dealers. They were numbered GWC110, the same part number as original. There are several suppliers on eBay UK currently selling sets of 4 cylinders for under £30 ($45) which I suspect are similar to the ones I used. It is difficult to tell which internal design is used without removing piston".

"I think one the causes of premature failure of these cylinders its that they were assembled dry. The outer sealing O-ring does not appear very effective in keeping out moisture.
When you are installing new slave cylinders of this type, you may want to pull out the outer piston to see if it is OEM type with the full cup seal, or aftermarket type with the ring seal. If the bore is dry it would be a good idea to add a smear of red rubber grease to the bore to retard corrosion.