The MGA With An Attitude
PEDAL LOCATIONS, Adjust/Modify #2 - BT-136
This will be just the opposite of the adjustment shown in the prior page, moving pedals to the right rather than left.
On 9/4/2019, Mark Wise wrote:
"I replaced a worn clutch 2 years ago, thrust bearing completely destroyed resulting in the slave cylinder popping out. The rest of the clutch showed little wear.
Forward 2 years of light use and the clutch slave cylinder popped out again. The thrust bearing was again destroyed.
A short drive with a Heath Robinson repair to get the vehicle back home highlighted the issue, and the issue is me. I am 6-2 with big feet, and there is nowhere for my left foot to go without riding the clutch peddle (RHD vehicle).
I have therefor followed Alan Wiedie's adaptations but in the other direction to move the clutch and brake peddle to the right leaving room for my left foot to rest somewhere other than on the clutch peddle. Pictures show the peddles after bending and fitted.
