The MGA With An Attitude
Here we have CAD drawings of the carburetor-exhaust shield from the prior page, drawn by Peter Tipping, converted to PDF format by John De Wolf (Canada), and sent here for your consideration. Click on the images to get a two page PDF file of the scale drawing(s) which will print on 8-1/2 x 11 inch A-size paper (at about 46% scale). You will need the free Adobe Reader to view and print the PDF file.

The first drawing shows the part development in flat form which can be transferred to metal sheet stock for cutting. The second drawing shows the part formed up and ready to install.

As of date of posting here this part had not been cut and formed per these drawings for trial fitting, so no guarantee it will be perfect on the first try. I will be soliciting for a full scale PDF cutting template which may be printed out on large paper at a local instant print shop. Stay tuned. Meanwhile, if anyone tries one of these in the real world, do tell.