The MGA With An Attitude
Modified MGA Cars - COMP-160
MGA Record Attempts at Bonneville Salt Flats

See information on Bonneville Salt Flats Speedway at:

EX181 on the salt in 1959 - (Photo from
EX181 driven by Stirling Moss does 245.64 mph (VT-104_EX181).
EX181 returns to do 254.91 mph with Phill Hill driving (VT-104_EX181).
Jim Frostrom ran a bone stock MGA 1500 just to see what could be done with a stock street car, then wrote an article about it for Road & Track magazine. (Photo from Road and Track magazine, 1959).
In Class FGT Roy Elm of Fowler, California clocked. 101.92 mph with his '58 1500 cc MGA.
Robert Sutton of Roseville, California turned 113.92 with his 1600 cc MGA
(Details from
Robert Sutton was here again. Article in Hot Rod magazine Dec 1962.
Ak Miller runs an MGA with Ford 260cid V8 Falcon engine with 11.5:1 pistons and Fairlane heads. (Photo and details from Hot Rod magazine, November 1963).
Bob Sutton's 122 cubic inch Ferrari powered MGA made the record books in G/SR with an average of 137.261, running welded up pistons that had vented early in meet. See VT-108).

Bob Sutton on the salt in 1963 - (The car was originally White).
(Photo from a period post card)
The Bob Sutton Ferrari MGA returns to bump its G/SR record up to 140.14 mph. See VT-108).
Bob Waddill runs an MGA powered by a blown fuel injected Chevy V6 engine running on gasoline in class C/BMS, setting a new record at 243.970 mph.