The MGA With An Attitude
FAN SHROUD STIFFENER For The Moss Motors Fan Shroud - CO-221
On 10/5/2018, Rob Zucca wrote:
"I’ve found that my Moss plastic shroud has a tendency to bow outward when it gets hot. When first installed it bowed out. I re adjusted it hot and the next morning the fan hit it when it was cold. I adjusted again and lived with it. While installing my new radiator I decided to do something about it. I used a piece of 1/2 x 1/8 steel flat bar and bent it to the profile of the shroud top. Then drilled it and tapped the bar for #6-32-UNC screws. Marked holes and drilled shroud.

A lick of paint and screwed the stiffener to the shroud. I clipped the screws slightly proud of the metal and peened them so they can’t back out. Rivets would have worked as well. This can also be done to the bottom of the shroud.
