The MGA With An Attitude
DOOR HANDLES, Rubber "Washers" (Gaskets) - CP-114A
On Sep 1, 2016, Jim Cheatham in Amelia, Virginia, USA wrote:
"Part number AFH4513 and is called a "washer - seating" in the Service Parts List. Since I cannot find them, .... I made two door handle washers (gaskets) out of a piece of an old inner tube. .... I first made a template out of paper. Then I taped it to the rubber in two places, just enough to hold it. Then I painted the template with some spray primer while it was on the rubber. This left the outline to cut around. The edges are not real smooth but it will be mostly out of sight. This will protect the paint and should keep some water out".

On Sep 2, 2016, Randy Brown in Queen Creek, Arizona, USA wrote:
"Sheet rubber gasket material from NAPA won't have the ribs inner tube material has. Works anywhere flat rubber was used. The oval pieces under the wipers fit better if you make them yourself".