The MGA With An Attitude
On 10/30/2014, Jim Cheatham wrote:
"I was going through the original materials from the interior of my 1957 MGA Coupe and saw the door seal sheets that were between the door cards and the door. They were glued to the door before the door cards were attached. There are numbers and two words stenciled at the top edge which are hard to see clearly but it looks like 82593 and BENINE BRAND. The strip along the bottom is approximately 4" wide and is probably an attempt to keep water from getting inside of the door".

This is the first time I have seen or heard report of these parts on the MGA Coupe, but it does not surprise me. Most modern cars have such seal sheets in the doors. I believe it is supposed to keep moisture that may accumulate inside the door from saturating the inner panel. If you wish to reproduce these parts, or glue a heavy plastic sheet to the door to serve the same purpose, I suggest this sheet should be about 1/4-inch smaller than the door card around the edges so it will remain hidden after assembly.
On 2/22/201, Mark Wellard wrote:
"I have put together the attached document describing the original sealing membrane on the coupe doors.
See coupe_door_seal.doc (40-KB MS-DOC file).
