The MGA With An Attitude
This article with pictures was supplied by
Gil Dupre in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
MGA Generator to Saturn 65-amp Alternator Conversion
"I purchased a CS121 style 65 amp from a local alternator shop. He changed the pulley to the V-groove for me. He also gave me the plug for the side to connect the igniton switch on including the ignition lamp.
A quick reminder here that the vehicle electrical system needs to be converted from positive to negative ground.

1 - Replace the serpentine pulley with a V-belt pulley (shop did that for me).
2 - Replace the midget rear bracket.
3 - Trial fit. had to tap the pressed fitting in from the rear.
4 - Tighened the mounting bolts.
5 - Since this my car is a MKII, the alternator sits higher to clear the coil mounting bracket and the oil cooler hard oil cooler line. I modified the Mr Gasket adjuster arm by shortening about 4 inches and drilling hole to mount to lower mounting bolt.
6 - Wired to existing regulator connecting main yellow wire to terminal A on regulator.
7 - Small yellow to yellow green to another terminal.
8 - Shop gave me the alternater plug and connected red wire to the battery post connected, the yellow green to the L pin on the alternator connector.
9 - Used longer belt Gates 7385. L = 39 in (990 mm). W = 0.41 in (10.4 mm)
10- No grinding except J adjuster arm.
