The MGA With An Attitude
WIPER ARM Tension Adjustment - ET-112C
On 10/25/2014, Manuel Aparicio wrote:
"In your article ET-112, I can read that 'The springs in the arms are not as strong as we would like'. There is a quite simple way to improve this spring force: The wiper arms have two rivets that secure four parts, two of them being little stainless steel leafs 28 mm long, 5 mm wide and 1.5 mm thick. I removed the rivets with a 3 mm drill, substituted the inner little leaf by a longer one (towards the wiper spindle), and used two 3 mm stainless steel bolts and nuts to replace the original rivets, thus creating a 'leaf spring' effect. You can adjust the force of the arms by means of the length of the new leaf". -- Manuel
