The MGA With An Attitude

MGA 1500 LHD and RHD
and Twin Cam LHD

MGA Twin Cam RHD

MGA 1600 RHD
(same as Twin Cam RHD)
MGA 1500 LHD and RHD and early Twin Cam LHD [Fin (c)2280]:
23 11G2007 1 Switch - dipper
25 ADJ1243Z 2 Screw - dipper switch to bracket
26 LWZ203 2 Washer for screw (spring)
ACB8474 1 Grommet - dip switch cable through bulkhead
27 AHH5347 1 Bracket for dipper switch
28 PMZ0308 1 Screw - bracket to bulkhead
29 ADJ7202 1 Washer for screw (plain)
30 LWZ203 1 Washer for screw (spring)
31 FNZ103 1 Nut for screw
32 CMZ0308 2 Screw - bracket to bulkhead
33 7722 2 Washer for screw (cup)
30 LWZ203 2 Washer for screw (spring)
31 FNZ103 2 Nut for screw
36 CHR0507 1 Clip - dipper switch cable to bracket
37 PMZ0307 1 Screw - clip to bracket
38 LWZ203 1 Washer for screw (spring)
39 FNZ103 1 Nut for screw
MGA Twin Cam RHD:
23 11G2007 1 Switch - dipper
24 ADJ1243Z 2 Screw - dipper switch to bracket
25 LWZ203 2 Washer for screw (spring)
26 AHH5780 1 Bracket - dipper switch - RHD
27 HSZ0405 3 Screw - bracket to bulkhead - RHD
28 LWZ204 3 Washer - spring - screw - RHD
29 PWZ104 3 Washer - plain - screw - RHD
AHH5347 1 Bracket - dipper switch - LHD Fin.(c)2280
PMZ0308 1 Screw - bracket to bulkhead - LHD Fin.(c)2280
CMZ0308 2 Screw - bracket to bulkhead - LHD Fin.(c)2280
7722 2 Washer for screw (cup) - LHD Fin.(c)2280
FNZ103 3 Nut for screw - LHD Fin.(c)2280
(Following is the bracket change for the LHD 1600 body type).
AHH5965 1 Bracket - dipper switch - LHD Com.(c)2281
PZ0310 3 Screw - bracket to goalpost - LHD Com.(c)2281
LWZ203 3 Washer for screw (spring) - LHD Com.(c)2281
MGA 1600 RHD: (Same as Twin Cam RHD).
23 11G2007 1 Switch - dipper
24 ADJ1243Z 2 Screw - dipper switch to bracket
25 LWZ203 2 Washer for screw (spring)
26 ACB8474 1 Grommet - dip switch cable through
27 AHH5780 1 Bracket - dipper switch
28 HSZ0405 3 Screw - bracket to goal post
29 LWZ204 3 Washer - spring - screw
30 PWZ104 3 Washer - plain - screw
31 CHR0507 1 Clip - dipper switch cable to bracket
32 PMZ0307 1 Screw - clip to bracket
33 LWZ203 1 Washer for screw (spring)
34 FNZ103 1 Nut for screw
MGA 1600 LHD and later Twin Cam [Com (c)2281]:
23 11G2007 1 Switch - dipper
24 ADJ1243Z 2 Screw - dipper switch to bracket
25 LWZ203 2 Washer for screw (spring)
26 ACB8474 1 Grommet - dip switch cable through
AHH5965 1 Bracket - dipper switch
PMZ0310 3 Screw - bracket to goal post
LWZ203 3 Washer - spring - screw
This 1600 LHD type bracket is not illustrated in the Service Parts List,
but there is a drawing and pictures for it on the following page.
Notice that for the 1500 type cars the dipper switch is attached under the heater shelf with fastener exposed in the engine bay. For LHD 1500 it is underneath the screenwiper motor bracket. One screw is Pan Head with a flat washer, while two scrws are Countersunk Head with cup washers (I have no idea what they were thinking).
Jim Cheatham in Amelia, Virginia, USA suggests using three countersunk screws and three cup washers, and also insert a rubber O-ring under each washer for water proofing.