The MGA With An Attitude
At 01:15 PM 11/28/04 -0800, James Schulte wrote:
>"... I have high beam on both .... Just no low beam on right hand light."

Dismount the bulb, but keep it connected for load. Check voltage at the connector. If you have power the bulb is bad. If no power start tracing back to prior connectors in the harness to see where you lost the connection.
>"What brand and wattage should I get? I have Lucas lamps currently and am satisfied with low/high output. Is 35/55 standard? Or should I upgrade to 35/60 if there is such an animal?"
From any auto parts store or discount department store, get the drop in replacement 7" halogen headlight bulbs. They will most likely be Sylvania or General Electric brand. Get model 6014 or H6014 (replaces 6012). Be sure it says Halogen on the box. These will be 60/50 bulbs, 60 watts on high beam and 50 watts on low beam. Probably under $10 each, and decent headlights if you don't have a small fortune to spend. You may also find Sylvania H6024, a 60/40 watt halogen bulb, also about $10, or the H6024 XV, extra long life for about 50% more money. There are some other variants of this series of halogen replacement sealed beam bulbs from Sylvania:
6014 - 60/50 -- 200/320 hrs (common standard) - 35,000 candlepower
6015 - 60/50 -- 200/500 hrs (longer life)
H6024 - 60/40 -- 200/320 hrs (lesser low beam) - 35,000 cp
H6024 CB - 55/45 -- 100/200 hrs (I wouldn't touch it).
H6024 ST - 50/45 -- 50/150 hrs (don't know why they make these things).
H6024 XV - 65/55 -- 200/850 hrs (That's the good one) - 28,000 cp
This last one, the H6024 XV, is longer life and claims to have more light output, but has lower CP rating. This is the footnote from Sylvania web site:
"Halogen XtraVision Headlights: Three times brighter! Twice the Life! Halogen XtraVision Headlights provide three times more light on the road in low beam mode than standard halogen headlights. They last twice as long as standard halogens 850 hours compared to 320 hours. - (Life at 14 volts)."
I'm not sure where the claim of three times the light comes from, as it is only 28,000 candlepower. Being higher wattage and lower candlepower it appears they are trading some efficiency for longer life.
Reported to be in stock at a local AutoZone store:
Also available through NAPA (maybe next day):