The MGA With An Attitude
THIRD BRAKE LIGHT, Variety 1 for MGA - ET-240C
This shows a number creative ways to mount a third brake light on an MGA. In some ways it seems to be easier for the MGA Coupe, as the light is usually fixed inside the rear window and stays put. Mounting it some distance forward from the rear window may result in some interior glare or reflection.

"Nothing mutilated here, and can easily be removed. I tried a light from JC Whitney but was not happy with the brightness of the LEDs. I got this light from a local salvage yard from a 90's Cadillac Coupe Deville for $5. I had to cut down the height of the base to make it fit the car better. I made a squared off U bracket to mount to parcel shelf in the coupe. I wired the light straight to the brake light switch". - David Terhune in Michigan

This is an external weatherproof lamp from a Chrysler Lebaron convertible, mounted on the front edge of the MGA boot lid (good placement for the roadster). For more information see

Here's another of the same model on an MGA 1500.

"This one clips to the tonneau studs and is easily removable for shows. It's tall enough to be visible through the rear window when the top is up as well". - Bill Young in Kansas City, MO, USA

"I bought a 3-volt bicycle stop light and connected a resistor in series to drop the voltage, then mounted it on a painted steel rod so that it almost touches the rear glass in my coupe. Connected to stop light circuit it is quite visible since it seems to light up the glass as well". - Rob Downie, South Coast NSW, Australia

"Using a smaller motorcycle LED, it is both a running light and a brake light that actually flashes for 5 seconds prior to going solid. It can definitely be seen. The sheet metal bracket I made tucks up into the rear window seal. The wires run inside the seal to the lower shelf edge where maybe 1" (in a white wire sleeve) can barely be seen jumping under the shelf and disappearing into the boot and under the car. It is wired direct to the pressure switch, while I picked up the running lights at the pigtail next to the starter switch". - John Larsen, Lynden, WA, USA
Gary Edwards in North Carolina, USA, has this one:
"I have a motor cycle brake light mounted on the license plate bracket. It is too low to be as effective as some of the others but I figured anything was a help".
Ian Cowen, Gold Coast, Queensland, AU, has this one:
"The little chromed number plate light was substituted for a red covered motor cycle tail lamp. It has a 2 fillament globe, one works as a brake lamp. It is very bright. The second add on, was the placing of a long red 2 stage Halogen lamp, high on the top and inside the rear window, clearly and in line with rear traffic vision, so that it works with the side lamps, and becomes very bright red, when the brakes are applied. Therefor, there are 4 tail lamps and 4 very bright brake stop lamps. The 2 wires and an earth wire, for the high lamp, just run along inside the head lining. Two thin stainless steel angled hooks hold the lamp in place. The tension of the weather strip is more than sufficient to hold things together". -- Ian Cowen