The MGA With An Attitude
CUSTOM P-CLIPS For Larger Batttery Cables - SS-103B
On Feb 13, 2016, Bob Krzywicki in northern Virginia, USA wrote:
"This was totally a self inflicted wound. I upgraded the battery supply line, that's something we always do in the hot rot rod world, so I had to make new life line P-clips. This is 18 gauge and was time consuming. Original P clip (at right).

Tap the end (above left). -- Put dent in the middle (below left).

Make them the same size (above left). -- All drilled holes and edges filed smooth (below).

I didnt spend any time figuring out the length before hand, I just used scraps I had laying around cut to the original width 5/8-in. I figured the rest would come to me as I tried to make them. I guess I started out with about a 5-in strip and trimmed it to size at the end. It took me making two of them to figure out the easiest way which is what I showed.
My battery cable is #1 easy flex welding wire and is 1/2-in thick. The original cable is 3/8-in thick. The sockets were 1/4 drive sockets and the outside diameter was 1/2-in and 3/8-in.