The MGA With An Attitude
OIL FILTER DESCRIPTIONS, Original Variations -- OF-100A
Filter descriptions, original MGA type - -
Filter Descriptions, original variations
Filter Cartridges - -
Filter Seal Rings - -
Spin-on adapters, Aftermarket
Spin-on adapters, MGB - -
Filter types - -
Frequently asked questions
Personal preferences
Photo at left is the early Tecalemit one piece canister oil filter.
Photo at right shows original printing on a Tecalemit oil filter canister. One for the concours enthusiasts.
Photos below show the adapter heads for the later two piece canister mounts.

Two piece oil canister adapters. Above left, late Tecalemit and Purolator tops. Notice the spring loaded pressure relief bypass valves. Above right, late Tecalemit and Purolator bottoms (with splash plates removed) showing bypass valves. Below left, late Tecalemit and Purolator seal glands (same groove dimensions). Below right, late Tecalemit and Purolator markings.

Now to add a bit of confusion, at left is a picture of a FG2471 (late Tecalimet) filter head with a pressure relief valve that looks like the Purolator part. So there are two different castings with the same part number. Chuckle. At least the parts are visually identical after assembly and functionally interchangeable.
Thanks to Byron Kane for the photo.