The MGA With An Attitude
OIL PIPING, External Lines and Fittings variations.-- OF-110A
Some odd information here about the external oil pipe from engine block to oil filter assembly. There are two different adapter fittings at the block, two different oil pipes, three different oil filters, and some spin-on adapters. In the Service Parts Lists, all applications have the same line drawing illustration, as the illustration was not updated for the progressive changes.

Photo below left shows the external pipe for the early Tecalemit assembly where the banjo pipe connects directly to the filter canister. Photo below right shows the later external pipe used with all others (late Tecalemit and Purolator assemblies where the banjo pipe connects to an intermediate adapter between the block and canister (same parts used with most spin-on adapters). The early pipe is taller (longer) at the filter end, where the later pipe is shorter.

Below left the early adapter fitting between engine block and pipe is short where the later adapter fitting is longer. That change may have been made to make wrenching easier in a tight spot where the mechanic should be using two wrenches to unlock the tube nut without unscrewing the adapter from the block. Below right, the later fitting installed in the block.

Now the odd bit, according to the factory Service Parts List. Part number for the adapter changed from 1H762 to 1H922 Com.(E)GB11298. Part number for the pipe assembly changed from 1H1005 to 1H1056 Com.(E)GB26661 (except 26701 to 26933). That raises the question of what happened in between (E)GB11298 and (E)GB26661. When the adapter fitting got longer, that end of the pipe should have gotten equal amount shorter (to avoid misaligning the pipe).
The SPL has a special note saying, "When supplying 1H1005 (the early pipe) prior to (E)GB11298, supply also 1 off 1H922 adapter (the later adapter)". That seems to make no sense, except they may be advising the parts department to always supply the later adapter for all applications. That in turn implies that the slight misalignment of the pipe may be inconsequential. Just fit the pipe and canister or canister adapter parts loose before final tightening of the pipe end fittings.