The MGA With An Attitude
DASH SWITCH - Bad Mounting Dimensions - FT-031
Switch for windscreen wipers, fog lights, and map lights.
At 11:51 PM 6/26/06, Bill Spohn wrote:
"Moss offers a replacement switch under part number 162-100. The chrome bezel is much too large 0.862 inch dianeter as opposed to the original 0.750. The new switch has a different thread than OEM, so you can't reuse the bezel from the old switch. The switch also will NOT fit in the hole in the dash as the threaded shaft is oversize, at 0.385 inch (10 mm) diameter instead of 0.370 (3/8 inch). Of course it is not easy to enlarge the "D" shaped hole. It will be going back, and I will find and recondition another original part so that I don't have to butcher my dash."

New switch and bezel nut on left - Original switch and bezel nut on right
The odd thread and bezel means these parts are only serviceable as an asembly. Not only that, but you wouuld have to change all three of these identical dash switches at the same time just to have matching non-standard bezels (and enlarge all of the "D" holes). If one of these replacement switches should need to be replaced again in the future, and by that time the design has been changed again to match original specification, then you would have to change all three switches again to get back to matching original style parts (and have sloppy fit panel holes). Otherwise you would be forever displaying non-matching switch bezels.