The MGA With An Attitude
DOOR LATCH STRIKER PLATES - Incorrect Form -- FT-052
Part Numbers 470-540 from Moss Motors, Ltd.
Replacement for BMC AFH1684.

Note that this problem is not unique to Moss Motors, as they procure this part from the same manufacturer as some other distributors, but Moss is trying to get the problem corrected.
On July 01, 2012, Geoff Howard in Ashburn, VA, USA wrote:
"I ordered replacement door striker plates .... went to replace them and found the door won't close with the new ones in place. On closer inspection, the size of the plate is pretty far off the one I have. The attached pictures and the below measurements show the differences that appear to affect fit. Base thickness (the mount screws pass through)- Old Part: 10/64"; Moss Part: 15/64". Distance from base to center of taper - old part: 61/64"; Moss Part: 70/64" (1-3/32"). Also, the major bend in the old part appears to be at a right angle, but the new part is maybe 10 degrees out of square. The net effect is that I can't line the taper up with the door opening. The blunt end hits the door surface.
On July 01, 2012, Bruce Suelzle in Alberta, Canada wrote:
"I had to bend mine to accommodate my doors. The one I received from SF were bent similar to yours.
On July 02, 2012, Neil McGurk in Cumbria, UK wrote:
"Same problem, just squeezed in the vice to get the same center. The door close is still stiffer because the wide section tends to jam in the lock. I have tried to grind the profile closer to original, but will probably repair and re-plate the old ones".
On July 02, 2012, Shawn Carlberg of Moss Motors Ltd in Goleta, CA, USA wrote:
"We don't make this part, .... we buy from a vendor who is already making them. I have put in a trouble ticket with our tech department to get in touch with this vendor and get this product fixed, seems we had the same complaint in 2004".
On 04 July 2012, Richard Atkinson in Surrey, England wrote:
"For info - Derek Edwards sells new striker plates - he has the original tooling. Derek is the chairman of the MGCC South East Centre here in the UK".
Addendum June 2015:
There are additional problems with this same part. See later report FT-076.