The MGA With An Attitude
Headlight TRIM RING Does Not Fit - (BUCKET oversize) - FT-108
SCARBOROUGH FAIRE Headlight Assembly parts
Rim Assembly (trim ring) replacement for
BMC part number 17H5147
And Housing Assembly (Backshell) - 3-Adjuster type
for MGA 1500 North American Market

This report is from "Grubeguy" in Washington, DC, USA, late June 2021.
"I've got new everything and after futzing, wrastling and wrangling with the chrome headlight ring, I'm packing it in for the night before I break something. Here's the headlight sandwich: fender, round flat gasket, headlight bucket, headlight, inner retaining ring. Over that retaining ring goes another gasket. Is there a trick to getting the chrome beauty ring on? I know it hooks in the top and attaches via a screw in the bottom, but I cant get that ring around the bucket assembly".

"I have removed the dust ring and tried again, to no avail. I tried the old chrome rings that came with the car, to no avail. I'm returning the entire assembly to Scarborough Faire and going with something from Moss. Everything I bought doesn't fit together. I even took out the headlight, and the chrome beauty ring won't fit over the bucket".
Since the original trim ring did fit on the original bucket, but no trim ring will fit on the new bucket, it is to be assumed that the new bucket from Scarborough Faire is too large outside diameter. I don't think he tried the new trim ring on the old bucket, so size of the new trim ring is still unknown.
There is a two minute video. to show the ill fit and the frustratoin level. 167-MB download, so it will need data speed at least 1.4-MB per second for streaming, or wait for the full download before playing it.