The MGA With An Attitude
BUMP STOP Frame Repair - FR-103
Sometimes the frame flange for mounting the front suspension bump stop may be bent up or cracked due to some prior heavy impact of the tire on a curb or large pot hole. If so, then it needs to be straightened and/or welded as necessary. If the flange was cracked or appears to be weakened, you can fabricate a steel plate 1/8-inch thick to fit on top of the frame flange. Drill the holes in the new plate and install bolts before welding the reinforcement piece into place.

Addendum November 2013:
Someone tells me the shape in the picture is not correct for MGA, so it might be an MGB part. Once the original flange is straightened, you can make a cardboard template from the frame, trace it onto the new metal for cutting. If the frame is too badly damaged to get a good template there, you might make a template from the other side of the frame.