The MGA With An Attitude
FRAME REPAIR, Body Bracket - FR-210-BB
We had a request for fabrication information to replace the rear body mount frame bracket.

Photos here show configuration as welded onto the frame. Original metal thickness is around 0.085-in, close to 13-gauge (0.090"). Most frame metal is 14-ga (0.075"). As 13-ga is rather rare, it may be best to use 14-ga for this bracket, as 12-ga (0.105") would be too thick. Outer edge of the bracket is parallel to the body sills. Drawing below (dimensions in cm).

Photos above show cutting and bending of the bracket. Photo at left shows it tack welded in place (still needing to be welded all around). Location for these brackets is shown in the "MGA Frame Dimensional Drawing" above. These photos and the template drawing above are compliments of Ahmed EL Abasiry.
At right is a template and forming drawing. Click for larger full scale printable PDF copy. The boundary line is 8" x 10-1/2". Print it to fit on 8-1/2" x 11" paper with 1/4" bounderies to be full scale. This was developed from the flat paper hand drawn template above, not accounting for material bend allowances. As such, it may not be exactly the same size as the original part after forming. But a piece has been made from this template, formed and installed, and it works.