The MGA With An Attitude
FRAME REPAIR, Round Tube Aft Of Seats - FR-210-RT1
Photos and notes supplied by Del Rawlins in Anchorage, AK, USA

The round tube that the battery supports attach to, as shown, were pretty badly rusted immediately in front of the batteries. -- An "after" shot of the other side. The tube I used as a repair piece is .090" wall 4130N from Aircraft Spruce & Specialty. They are really easy to deal with for short lengths of tubing, and it was a lot easier than trying to hunt down 14 gauge. [Original frame material is only 0.075" thick,14-gauge]. -- The affected tubing cut out. Note the angle iron brace to keep stuff from shifting around, but I doubt if it made any difference.

New tubing cut to length, and held in place for tack welding using magnetic clamps. --Tack welding one end has pulled the other out of alignment. -- Forcing it back.

Tacked. -- Welded. -- Completed repair with welds smoothed, ready for new battery supports. I used an electric grinder followed by an air sander to polish the welds down to match the existing contour.