The MGA With An Attitude
Flush Fit Fuel Filler - FU-202
On Dec 5, 2015, Mitchell Andrus in Mills River, North Carolina, USA wrote:
"I've had an issue with the gas fillers on small sports cars. They almost always look like they received zero design consideration. Notice the E-Type hides the ugliness under a trap door. I found a fuel filler made for motorcycle gas tanks. It is almost exactly the right size for the hole in the A's rump once the original filler pipe is removed.
I do my major fill work in lead. In an area that requires strength, lead works best. It's like smearing toothpaste at 800 degrees. Grinders stay on the bench on this one... the ridge at the edge must be maintained so the disc remains flush when you're done. Once painted to match the body, it'll almost disappear".

"The cap is vented. 2 small holes baffled to the underside of the disc. Push and twist, pops up about 1/2".