The MGA With An Attitude
HEATER SWITCH - Restoration - HR-104S
On 3/7/2021, Greg Reynolds wrote:
"Here are a few pictures of the guts of the new style heater switch. The problem with the loose terminal was broken Bakelite around the rivet. A little JB Weld and some carving and it was as good as 65 years old. The hole for the terminal is 5/64-in. The Hillman boxes at the hardware store have miniature stainless screws. The terminals take a #1 screw (one 3/8-in, one 1/2-in long) and the mounting screws are #3 (should be 5/8-in but that wasn't one of the choices). The screws need to be cut down even with the nuts to keep the terminals from shorting out against the lever in one case and to fit between the lever and the mounting bracket in the other. The only tricky part is catching all the bits when driving out the mounting rivets (drill the heads off first). The browN/Green wire is for a Norton brake light. Close but not quite, they don't have a heater fan".
