The MGA With An Attitude
M.G.s Through The Ages -- HS-105-1428
14/28 -- 1924-1927
The advertised model mame is: 14/28 MG Super Sports Morris Oxford
At this time the MG logo was used only in sales literature, not applied to the car itself.

4-seater Bullnose model shown
Based on contemporary 14/28 Morris Oxford. Four-cylinder, side-valve, 1802-cc engine. Single SU carburetor, 1924-1925; single Solex, 1926-1927. Three speed gearbox. Rear wheel brakes, 1924; 4-wheel brakes, 1925; bolt-on wire wheels and 4-wheel brakes with servo, 1926-1927. Three-quarter eliptic springs and 'Bullnose" radiator, 1924-1926; flat radiator and half-eliptic springs, 1927. Various 2-seater, 4-seater, and saloon bodies.

'Ol' Speckly 'en' was a 14/28 used as a factory run about, noted by the special speckled fabric covering. This car eventually contributed to the name of a beer "Old Speckled Hen" brewed for the 50th aniversary of the MG Car Company in 1974 (and continuing to be brewed today). The flat nose radiator was introduced in 1927, and more than 1200 cars were built in five years.