The MGA With An Attitude
M.G.s Through The Ages -- HS-105-M
MG 'M'-type Midget -- 1929-1932
First production MG Midget based on contemporary Morris Minor. 847-cc, ohc, 4-cylinder engine. Single SU Carburetor (20 bhp at 4000 rpm). Half-eliptic springs. Bolt-on wire wheels. Three-speed gearbox (4-speed optional extra). Open 2-seater and closed coupe bodies. Early types panelled in fabric-covered plywood, later models in metsl. Approximately 3200 built.
Click for article from Thoroughbred & Classic Cars, January 1975 (0.8-MB pdf)

See magazine articles:
Road Test M.G.Midget (M-type) - Autocar June 28, 1929 (0.3-MB pdf)
MGM Type - Thoroughbread & Classic Cass - February 1975 (1.2-MB pdf)

EX 120, above, was a highly modified M-type used for racing and record setting,
giving rise to production of the "Montlhery Midget" next page).