The MGA With An Attitude
CLUTCH SLAVE CYLINDER and Banjo Fitting - HT-107A
On 23 October 2007, J.P. Leonard wrote:
"Info in the archives says that only early MGAs used a banjo fitting between the slave cylinder and the flex hose. Is this correct?"
The first 1667 MGA built used a separate banjo fitting (not part of the hose), because the clutch slave cylinder had two side ports, as shown below. At Car No. 11768 the slave cylinder changed to have the hose port on the end, and no banjo fitting or banjo bolt thereafter. The hose did not change.
Apparently the banjo fitting and banjo bolt are currently available, but the early style slave cylinder is not. If you have one that can be rebuilt it uses the same rebuild parts as the later one. If you need to replace it, just buy the newer style cylinder that is available, and delete the banjo fitting. The newer style slave cylinder fits all MGA (except Twin Cam) and all 4-cylinder MGB.
Early style slave cylinder with banjo fitting

Later style slave cylinder without banjo fitting