The MGA With An Attitude
PRESSURE BLEEDER Master Cylinder Cover - HT-200A
This article was sent by Greg Reynolds near Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
I had the master cylinder sleeved and rebuilt it. All the flexible lines and slave cylinders were replaced. Gravity was not going to bleed the system as quickly as I would like so I made an adapter for my Motive brake bleeder. A one gallon garden sprayer would work and would be simpler adapt. The only fitting you would need is one with 1/4 inch compression on one side and 1/8 NPT threads on the other.

The master cylinder adapter is cut out of a piece of 3/8 inch aluminum sheet, 2 1/2 X 4 inches with the back corners trimmed to clear the clutch line. It was flattened with a piece of 80 grit sandpaper on a piece of polished granite. Window glass would work as a backer but it is fragile.
An 1/8 NPT tap takes an R drill (0.339 in). Go slow and use plenty of oil on the tap.
The gasket is simply a piece of 3/32 in. cork gasket material. A 5 inch C-clamp holds the adapter to the top of the master cylinder. Ten PSI was plenty to bleed the system in a few minutes.