The MGA With An Attitude
Click boxes below for printable PDF images.
(PDF file reader required - Click here to get the free reader)
The PDF files may be saved and can be printed at 100% full scale.
Use print shop services to print up to 36 x 48 inch sheet sizes.
Large sheets are 36 x 48 inches (A0 = 841 x 1189 mm)
Medium sheets are 24 x 36 inches (A1 = 594 x 841 mm)
Small sheets are 18 x 24 inches (A2 = 420 x 594 mm)
These templates are full scale CAD drawings in vector drawing format, embedded in PDF files. The data files are quite small and can be saved to a floppy or zip disk. The templates can be printed at 100% full scale, assuming you have access to a large sheet printer. Many print shop services can make these large copies for you. Much thanks to Daniel Smith, founder of the MG Club Leipzig (Germany), for supplying the full scale PDF templates.
On 9/13/2014, Richard Day wrote:
"I had already bought just over 16ft of carpet of width 40in. Had some trouble downloading the full size files trying to use Adobe Reader but the printing firm had no trouble direct from your website. I laid out my nice new paper patterns on the carpet to find it wasn't big enough. At 40in width you would need about 20ft length and possibly more like 25ft if you wanted the pile direction of all the pieces to align".
