The MGA With An Attitude
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PANEL SCREWS, hole alignment tool -- INT-103D
On January 01, 2013, Eric Russell in North Carolina, USA wrote:
"Here's a trick I used to install new door panels without the need to drill new holes. I found a couple of expired gift cards (credit card size plastic things). Holding them together I drilled a small hole through both. Then I glued a flat head thumb tack in one and a 3/16" thick spacer (small piece of thin plywood) between the two cards along their short sides, at the end opposite the thumb tack. Hot melt glue works well.

"Next I "offered up" the door panel until it was in the desired position. Then I slipped my "card trick tool" over the door panel and positioned the protruding bit of the thumb tack into the hole already present in the door. Once positioned, the matching hole in the other card showed me where the screw should be placed. I used an awl to mark the location and then punched a small hole through the panel".
On Jan 1, 2013, Wray Lemke in South Carolina, USA wrote:
"I cut the heads off some trim screws, then used pliers to thread them into the existing holes. We then offered up the panel and with a few light taps from a rubber mallet had a perfect pattern of where the screws needed to go. Took the cut off screws and put them in a little ziplock for future use. I used them several times since".
On Jan 1, 2013, Randy Brown in Queen Creek, Arizona, USA wrote:
"A more permanent and durable tool can be made out of a hacksaw blade and a thumbtack. A worn out blade cut in two and bolted through the end holes then drilled at the other end for the thumbtack and the locating hole. Run across the bench grinder and wire wheel to lose the teeth before you start makes it smooth to use".

On Jan 4, 2013, Randy Brown Mark Presley in Westcliffe, CO, USA wrote:
"Here's what the aircraft sheet metal version looks like. The upper fitting contains a small, sliding center punch which marks the spot with a light tap of the hammer".
