The MGA With An Attitude
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Storage Box, Radio Plate - INT-210
On 3/30/2020, Rrob Zucca wrote:
"I've thought about how best to use the space behind the radio blanking plate. This is what I came up with....

I folded up a box in some thin gauge steel and soldered it at the bottom in the center with an overlap. Then turned a small flange on the front edge that would sit in the chrome trim recess. I had to file the trim ring corners square. Used some 1/8 in aluminum flat bar on the inside sides to be able to countersink some screws. These go through the folded box and through two pieces of flat steel bent over at ends into a L shape to but the backside of the dash, similar to how a radio would be mounted.

Then I made a 1/4 in thick wood drawer lined with some leftover matching vinyl. To retain it I cut a piece of 1/2 in bar stock and counterbored it for a spring. Turned some finger grooves on the drill press with a file and drilled and inserted a 1/8 in steel pin. In the latched position the pin swivels down over the edge of the metal box bottom.
To open, I reach up behind and pull the latch toward the front of the car and turn it. This holds the drawer snugly. I threaded the MG logo pins and nutted them on the inside of the drawer. It's working very well. Great for car registration, sunglasses and even gloves"...