The MGA With An Attitude
British Racing Green

How many ways can we say Green?
As far as MGA is concerned, British Racing Green is a very subjective color, because no production MGA was ever painted that color. Yes, a number of factory works cars we painted BRG, but they weren't necessarily all the same color either. When painting one car, or at best a few at a time, the paint may be mixed to please the eye of the painter or the customer. In the end there are almost as many different shades of BRG as there are MGA cars painted dark green.

On 12/18/2012, Ian Prior in Melbourne, Australia wrote:
"The Sebrings, well at least the 1960 and 1961 cars were painted what I believe is called Brooklands Green. It is the Prewar MG Factory Racing colour as per K3 etc and has a lot of yellow in it. I matched the colour to the remains of the green on the underside of my front mudguards and interior".

George Goeppner in Orland Park, Illinois, USA, is getting this one together. The color started out as BMC/BL code GN.25, which is an early production MGB color. However, he thought it should be a little darker, so they added a bit more black pigment to get what you see here. George says they know the final mix so they should be able to match it.

Tom Pope on
"Here is my 1500 in non-original green. I think these cars look best in green and this version is just a tad lighter than most “British Racing Greens” you usually see. It was painted two owners ago – so paint codes are lost, but the story is that this was a 1980’s era Jaguar Green".

Charles Gold, Edmonds, USA: The green is ICI 7595, which I have so far not been able to source as a currently available color. The color is gorgeous and satisfying, the best BRG I have ever seen, and looks great and true in all conditions of light, rain, sun, etc. ICI was bought out years ago, but ended up in a major company (PPG) I think. Any current code/formula sources would be great to have.

"My car featured in a Classic Car World article spanning 2 months in May and June 2010. It is Jaguar BRG - Hen Green code 701 (1986-1987). -- Steve Gyles

Jim Mail, Nashua, New Hampshire, USA: "This is a BRG that I mixed up - 3 quarts of Rustoleaum Gloss Dark Hunter Green and one quart of Rustoleum Gloss Black. $50 paintjob including the thinner. (thinned about 30% with acetone and some Japan drier added). Came out better than I had a right to expect".

Art Pearse in Ontario, Canada offers this suggestion. Off the shelf "British Rasing Green" paint from It says "Starfire Acrylic Enamel". I have no idea what shade of green it might be. Has anyone painted a car with this color? Cheap price.