The MGA With An Attitude
MGB Part Numbers - 17H2545
PART NO.  SPL.PAGE  DESCRIPTION                                                           
17H2545   1MGB.D.68  Adapter Plate, air cleaner, MGB

This is a bit of a teaser, because these are not originally MGA parts. They are air cleaner adapter plates from early MGB with HS4 or HIF4 carburetors, 1962-1974 (or later in Europe). They can bolt directly to the entrance face flange of an MGA carburetor in place of the original VOLKS air cleaners. This can provide a mini air ram stack, which might be good for a few HP on a dyno test. They will also accept a tapered K&N air filter on the 3-1/2-inch pilot diameter, to be secured with a hose clamp. That makes for easy R&R with a screwdriver, and more clear working space for your hands.

Pictures above are two examples with slightly different configuration. One has the common and traditional straight pilot diameter, while the other has an odd taper cut on the pilot diameter (which will not accept a hose clamp). These are cast alloy parts with substantial open recess space in the back side, most likely intended to be a cost reduction using less material for the casting (and no machining). TThe odd thing is, they both bear the same maker's trade mark symbol (JVH) and the same casting number (6506). The only way to tell them apart is by the shape of the front pilot diameter. Many modern replacement parts appear to be CNC machined from solid bar stock, flat on both sides (pictures at top of page).

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