27H7164 15.H.4 Banjo connection -change to AHH5634 Com.(C)27989 (disc wheels),
(C)28540 (wire wheels)
There rear brake banjo fittings changed from straight to right angle commencing (C)27989 (disc
wheels), (C)28540 (wire wheels). The later angle fitting was part number AHH5634.
Earlier threads (this fitting) on the input side (brake pipe fitting) are 3/8-BSF. Later input threads (for angle fitting) are 3/8-24-UNF, and they are not interchangeable. Threads on the output side are always 3/8-24-UNF (for the bleed fitting).
Install with:
7H7847 Bolt for banjo connection, MGA rear brakes, 1500, 1600, 1600-Mk-II
3H550 WASHER, copper (large) - 324-720
3H2287 WASHER, copper (small) - 324-730 -- or - 324-547 WASHER, copper (thick, alternate)
3H2428 Screw, bleeder (3/8-24-UNF thread)

Also see AHH5634.htm for later issue angled banjo fitting.
And, HT112.htm for more information for both styles of banjo fitting and the connecting pipes.