130801 15.J.1 Seal for rack (2) -(steering, 1500)
130801 TC.J.1 Seal -rack to tie rod (2) -(rack assy, steering, Twin Cam)
AAA1682 16.J.1 Seal -rack to tie rod (2) -(rack assy, steering, 1600 & 1600-MK-II)-
-was 130801
Here is a nice boot from Scarborough Faire. Thick vinyl that looks like rubber, very tough and durable, might last a life time. Correct 1/2" ID on the small end, and 1-9/16" ID on the large end. Groove width on both ends is 5/16", perfect with original 1/4" wide clips (until proven different).
Part number 130801 changed to AAA1682 for the 1600 model.

Clip Small ACA5118 3H2963
Clip Large ACA6030 BMK924
The clips shown are from Moss Motors, USA.
They are okay, if you buy the ones noted as "original type".