The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Part Numbers - AJJ279
PLIERS - BMC part number AJJ279
AJJ279 15.S.1 Pliers -(tool kit,1500)
AJJ279 16.S.1 Pliers -(tool kit, 1600 and 1600-MK-II) Fin.(C)93547
AJJ279 TC.S.1 Pliers -(tool kit, Twin Cam)

Above are King Dick pliers from Dec 31, 1958. Some of the pliers have ABINGDON etched or stamped on a ground flat space on the side of the handle (these do not).

Above and below, some King Dick pliers stamped around the pivot with "ABINGDON" and "KING DICK". I rather like these with slightly narrower jaws for tighter places, serrated flat bite in front, serrated round bite inside, sharp jaws for cutting and stripping electrical wires, and also the heavy steel wire cutter indents on the sides. Thanks to Gordon Pugh for this picture.

These are "TW" pliers, period tools from a swap meet.
"TW" is the manufacturer's brand name "TW Superslim". These could be period aftermarket tools, but probably never original issue for the MGA.
Below we have two pliers that were both found in the same tool kit. Photos are from John E. Bender in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. The too kit was in a family owned 1960 MGA purchased new, known to be original. The King Dick pliers appear to be newer, but are at least 30 years old. The other "odd" pliers are likely part of the factory supplied tool kit. They are marked 529 and MADE IN ENGLAND, and markings are the same on the opposite side, no other markings.

Below is a picture of pliers very similar to the first one at top of page although the letter stamping for "King Dick. Made In England" is different. At least we know where these came from. They are from the tool kit of a 1956 Armstrong Siddeley (not to be construed as any MGA part). Thanks to Robert Bruce in New Zeland for this picture.

This page serves to note some period correct variations in King Dick pliers of the era. I am sure there are more. I am not sure (yet) exactly which ones are correct for MGA, or how many different variations may have been supplied in MGA tool kits during seven years of production. If anyone has what they believe to be original pliers from an original MGA tool kit, please send pictures, and note the car chassis number or time of production if possible.