BHA4049 ST. Tank unit -15 gal. -(1600-MK-II)
BHA4060 16.O.1 Speedometer (miles) 10/41 axle ratio -(1600-MK-II) Com.(C)100352
BHA4060 ST. Speedometer for 4.1:1 ratio rear axle (MPH) -(special tuning)
BHA4061 ST. Speedometer for 4.1:1 ratio rear axle (KPH) -(special tuning)
BHA4066 15.R.41 Mirror assembly -R/H or L/H wing, alternative -(sundries, 1500)-
optional extra -(also see AHH5526, AHH5527)
BHA4066 16.R.43 Mirror assembly -wing -R/H or L/H (2) -(sundries, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
BHA4066 TC.R.54 Mirror assembly -wing -R/H or L/H (2) -(sundries, Twin Cam) -optional
BHA4067 15.S.1 Tyre pump and connection -(tool kit, 1500)
BHA4067 16.S.1 Pump -tyre with connection -(tool kit, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)-
BHA4067 TC.S.1 Pump -tyre with connection -(tool kit, Twin Cam)
BHA4068 ST. Speedometer for 3.9:1 ratio rear axle (MPH) -(special tuning)
BHA4069 ST. Speedometer for 3.9:1 ratio rear axle (KPH) -(special tuning)
BHA4071 TC.M.2 Cylinder and supply tank assembly -(brake master cylinder, Twin Cam)
BHA4072 16.E.3 Cylinder assembly -clutch master -(clutch controls, ARDB model 1600)-
BHA4072 TC.E.1 Master cylinder assembly -(master.cyl.assy, clutch, Twin Cam)
BHA4073 16.E.4 Cylinder assembly -(clutch operating, clutch controls, ARDB model
BHA4073 TC.E.2 Slave cylinder assembly -(slave.cyl.assy, clutch, Twin Cam)
BHA4074 TC.E.2 Push rod -slave cylinder -(clutch, Twin Cam)
BHA4075 15.N.7 Relay -fog lamp (N. America) -Com.(C)55633
BHA4075 16.N.9 Relay -fog lamp -(optional, road lamps, 1600 and 1600-MK-II) -for use
with twin fog lamps
BHA4075 TC.N.9 Relay -fog lamp (N.America LHD) -(fog lamp, road lamps, electrical,
Twin Cam) -optional, for use with twin fog lamps
BHA4076 15.S.1 Grease gun -(tool kit, 1500)
BHA4076 16.S.1 Grease gun -(tool kit, 1600 and 1600-MK-II) -change to 9H2627-
BHA4076 TC.S.1 Gun -grease -(tool kit, Twin Cam) -changed to 97H2627
BHA4081 15.O.3 Clip for thermometer pipe (to heater valve) -Com.(C)49148
BHA4081 16.O.1 Clip -thermometer pipe -(to heater valve, instruments, 1600 and
BHA4081 TC.O.2 Clip -thermometer pipe -(to heater valve, instruments, Twin Cam)
BHA4082 16.R.11 Push on fix (2) -(motif, boot lid, fittings, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
BHA4082 16.R.44 Push on fix -motif (4) -(bonnet, sundries, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
BHA4083 TC.O.1 Revolution counter) -(instruments, Twin Cam)
BHA4084 TC.A.26 Cable assembly -choke control -(RHD, engine control, Twin Cam)
BHA4085 TC.A.26 Cable assembly -choke control -(LHD, engine control, Twin Cam)
BHA4088 TC.R.56 Washer, union (aluminum) -(heater, heat+vent equip, Twin Cam)
BHA4089 TC.R.56 Hose water (1/2"x25") -(heater, heat+vent equip, Twin Cam)
BHA4090 TC.A.56 Cleat -copper water pipes (2) -(heater, heat+vent equip, Twin Cam)
BHA4091 TC.A.56 Cleat -water hose retaining -(heater, heat+vent equip, Twin Cam)
BHA4110 15.O.3 Gauge -oil and temperature (centigrade) -Com.(C)57574
BHA4110 16.O.2 Gauge -oil pressure and temperature (centigrade) -(instruments, 1600
and 1600-MK-II)
BHA4110 TC.O.2 Gauge -oil and temperature (centigrade) -(instruments, Twin Cam)
BHA4116 15.N.4 Switch -headlamp flasher (N.American) LHD -(switches, 1500)
BHA4116 16.N.4 Switch -headlamp flasher (N.American) LHD -(switches, 1600 and
BHA4116 TC.N.4 Switch -headlamp flasher (N.American) LHD -(switches, electrical,
Twin Cam) -optional extra
BHA4117 15.N.10 Harness -headlamp flasher switch extension (N. America) (LHD only)
BHA4117 16.N.15 Harness -headlamp flasher switch extension -(cables and connections,
1600 and 1600-MK-II)
BHA4132 15.N.42 Water valve assembly -(heater, 1500) -Com.(C)61160 -(was AHH5432)
BHA4132 16.R.46 Valve assembly -water -(heater, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
BHA4133 15.N.10 Cable -starter switch to starter -Com.(C)63435 was AHH5451
BHA4133 16.N.15 Cable -starter switch to starter -(cables and connections, std.model
1600 and 1600-MK-II)
BHA4139 16.M.5 Hose -brake (front) (2) -(MGA 1600, 1600-MK-II)
BHA4140 15.N.1 Battery cover (optional extra)(2) -(battery, 1500)
BHA4140 16.N.1 Battery cover (optional extra)(2) -(battery, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
BHA4140 TC.M.5 Cover, battery (2) -(battery, Twin Cam) -optional extra
BHA4147 15.N.1 Cap nut -cover (battery) (4) -(optional extra, battery, 1500)
BHA4147 16.N.1 Cap nut -cover (battery) (4) -(optional extra, battery, 1600 and
BHA4147 TC.M.5 Cap nut -cover (4) -(battery, Twin Cam) -optional extra
BHA4148 TC.N.9 Reflector -rear (2) -(road lamps, electrical, Twin Cam)
BHA4151 16.N.13 Wheelbox assembly (2) -(wiper motor, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)-
Com.(C)80384 -was 14B5588
BHA4153 16.N.10 Lamp -number plate -(tag, road lamps, 1600) -Com.(C)88844 -was 3D1813
-3H1813 correction was 3D1813 (except Switzerland)
BHA4155 TC.N.11 Wheelbox assembly (2) -(wiper motor, electrical, Twin Cam)-
Com.(C)2545 -was 14B5588
BHA4157 16.M.4 Cylinder and supply tank assembly -(brake master cylinder, ARDB model
1600 and 1600-MK-II) Com.(C)91240
BHA4158 16.N.11 Lamp -number plate -Switzerland -(road lamps, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)-
BHA4161 ST. Tank unit -17 gal. -(racing and competition equipment, 1600 and
BHA4165 ACC. Ace Mercury Wheel Disc -R.H., optional -(accessories, 1500,
BHA4165 16.P.1 Ace Mercury Wheel Disc -R.H., optional -(1600 and 1600-MK-II)
BHA4166 16.P.1 Ace Mercury Wheel Disc -L.H., optional -(accessories, 1500,
BHA4166 16.P.1 Ace Mercury Wheel Disc -L.H., optional -(1600 amd 1600-MK-II)
BHA4220 16.O.1 Speedometer (kilos) 10/43 axle ratio -(1600) Fin.(C)100351 -was
BHA4221 16.O.1 Speedometer (kilos) 9/41 axle ratio -(1600 and 1600-MK-II) -
alternative axle ratio
BHA4226 16.O.1 Speedometer (kilos) 10/41 axle ratio -(1600-MK-II) Com.(C)100352
BHA4228 16.N.11 Lamp -stop/tail, flasher and reflex assembly -L/H (Amber and Red)-
(road lamps, 1600 and 1600-MK-II) Com(C)100352
BHA4229 16.N.11 Lamp -stop/tail, flasher and reflex assembly -R/H (Amber and Red)-
(road lamps, 1600-MK-II) Com(C)100352 -BHA4229 correction was BHA4290
BHA4230 16.N.11 Lamp -stop/tail, flasher and reflex assembly -L/H (Red) -(road lamps,
1600-MK-II) Com(C)100352
BHA4231 16.N.11 Lamp -stop/tail, flasher and reflex assembly -R/H (Red) -(road lamps,
1600-MK-II) Com(C)100352
BHA4235 16.M.5 Adapter and cable assembly (2) -(headlamp Sweden, road lamps, 1600
and 1600-MK-II) Com.(C)72040
BHA4235 16.N.6 Adapter and cable assembly (2) -(headlamp LHD Europe except France,
road lamps, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
BHA4235 16.N.6 Adapter and cable assembly (2) -(headlamp France, road lamps, 1600
and 1600-MK-II)
BHA4235 16.N.7 Adapter and cable assembly (2) -(headlamp, LHD except Europe,
lamps, 1600 and 1600-MK-II) -Fin.(C)105361
BHA4235 16.N.8 Adapter and cable assembly (2) -(headlamp USA, road lamps, 1600 and
1600-MK-II) Com.(C)70222, Fin.(C)102856
BHA4235 16.N.8 Adapter and cable assembly (2) -(headlamp N. America, road lamps,
1600 and 1600-MK-II) -Com.(C)102857 USA, Com.(C)107031 Canada -was 27H5292
BHA4251 16.H.3 Plug -brake drum (large)(2) -(rear, 1600 and 1600-MK-II) -wire
wheels -was 140677
BHA4251 16.R.44 Button -blanking -ignition switch hole -(sundries, 1600 and
1600-MK-II) -for use when steering lock is fitted
BHA4255 16.R.44 Button -blanking -staeter pull hole -(sundries, 1600 & 1600-MK-II)-
for use when steering lock is fitted
BHA4290 16.H.3 Lamp -stop/tail, flasher and reflex assembly -R/H (Amber and
Red) -(road lamps, 1600 and 1600-MK-II) Com(C)100352 -correction changed to BHA4229
BHA4465 16.P.1 Louvered wheel disc (ACE Mercury) -R/H -(optional, road wheels, 1600
and 1600-MK-II)
BHA4466 16.P.1 Louvered wheel disc (ACE Mercury) -L/H -(optional, road wheels, 1600
and 1600-MK-II)
BHA5159 ST. Fuel gauge -17 gal. -(racing and competition equipment, 1600 and