The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Part Numbers - CRB204, CRB205
ID Plate, Intake Manifold - for all MGA (except Twin Cam)

Moss UK #CRB204 Moss UK #CRB205
CRB204 (none) ID Plate, Inlet Manifold (Firing Order and Tappet Clearance .015)
Application: Air Cleaners & Inlet Manifold - MGA (1955-62)
CRB205 (none) ID Plate, Inlet Manifold (Firing Order and Tappet Clearance .017)
Application: Air Cleaners & Inlet Manifold - MGA (1955-62)
(This one may be an error)
I believe the second picture above is in error. Moss Motors, Ltd, UK has both of these plates listed for the MGA, CRB204 for the MGA 1500, and CRB205 for the MGA 1600 and 1600-MK-II. However, Factor literature "MG Series MGA Workshop Manual" and multiple "Operators Handbook" or "Drivers Manual" specify all models of MGA (except Twin Cam) will have tappet clearance of 0.015-inch.
Additionally, the original plates were stamped/embossed plain brass with no other color, so both of the pictures above would be wrong.
