The MGA With An Attitude
MGA & Early MGB
On 1/21/2025, Barry Measom in the UK wrote:
"Thought this might be of interest (how not to remove half shaft from hub). My old Right Hand Rear Hub wheel splines were very badly worn , mainly due to old rust. First to remove plug from inside of hub I found that self tapping screw method works if you grind off the end of screw to allow the threads to get a better grip. Also as noted hole needs to be off center to miss the center hole in half shaft. As my local engineers, due to past experience, were not !00% confident about pressing of the old hub, I decided to try a different method as it was scrap any way.

I hacksawed down one side of the hub which took me a couple of hours. i expected the shaft to come loose, but it would not budge. so It made another cut opposite, first with cut off wheel and finished with a new hack saw blade as I got near shaft splines. The two halves were still tight on the splines but they came loose with a couple sharp blows, fortunately without damage to shaft. Here in the UK 10 spline wire half shafts seem to be unavailable so it was worth the time and effort to save the original shaft. -- The local engineers manage to successfully fit new although they said it was a tight fit (fortunately). They pressed it on so that shaft splines are flush with the hub splines, as original, leaving the recess clear to fit new core plug.

The new hub is made in the UK by:
They make a large range of hubs, spinners etc, for mainly British classics. The hub I bought is excellent quality and fit, a welcome change to the usual aftermarket parts. -- My hubs cost £110 plus tax and shipping which I thought was good value, and believe they ship world wide. Pressing the hub on was £60 plus. -- I've been putting this job off for quite a while, but it worked out really well in the end, with virtually no play between hub and wheel. The other three hubs are still serviceable, but I might fit the other rear next winter".